XIX The Sun

Die SonneUntil the end I want to get stronger
and more vital because of every action
and more loving because of developing myself.
Friedrich Schleiermacher,
Protestant theologian, philosopher, publicist


Positive side:

The appearance of this card is marked by well-being and success. Here you have acquired the gift, to accept life as it presents itself here and now, you are just happy and satisfied. Genuine openness surrounds you and unselfish feelings determine your life here. Bright sunshine is in all your activities and relationships. Your energy knows no bounds and you are in perfect health. This map provides pure luck.

Mysterious side:

Here’s happiness is on its way and has only a few scheduling difficulties. No problem, this delay is not permanent and with the magic word patience, it will be liberating sunny soon.

Berlin motifs

XIX The Sun:

  • Horse – roof figure Old Museum (Altes Museum) on Museum Island (Museumsinsel)
  • Sun from the Carnival of Cultures Berlin (Karneval der Kulturen)
  • Background – facade on Tauentzienstrasse