The aim of life is self development.
To bring our own being fully to unfold,
this is our destiny
Oscar Wilde, Irish author
Positive side:
Here’s something in your life that is finished and simultaneously with the ending, the way to something new. Here they are again the magic words: letting go, change, and transformation.
If you give these words life through lively action, then you will understand that part of becoming and going in this life.
An inner calmness leads to understanding, accepting and letting it happen to fit into the inevitable and thus be free to take a new path of life.
Mysterious side:
The numbness caused by your own faltering growth and persistence in excruciating slow situations can be overcome only through conversion, thus renewing the personal approach. To go in and speak with one’s own mortality – this is the revelation of this card. Meditation is a tool to understand yourself and to gain deeper insights into your own personality traits. This will pave the way for your transformation, and you can meet the new in your life open minded.
Berlin motifs
XIII Death:
- Ravenné-tomb, Dorotheenstädtischer Cemetery
- Woman: facade figure Rathaus Charlottenburg
- Horse from the fox hunting memorial in the Tiergarten
- Luther relief on the facade of the Berlin Cathedral (Berliner Dom)
- Skulls from antiques shop
- Background: Sunset at Lake Tegel