XXI The World

Die WeltThe least of men can be complete
if it is within the limits
his abilities and skills moves.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German poet


Positive side:

Congratulations, you have dared something, and are now in harmony with yourself and the world. It is the agreement that makes you be aware of your own vitality and your self-worth and let’s you thrive. It is a time of harmony and happiness. Your plans are realized, and you can now enjoy a successful outcome. The one who has chosen the way of liberation of his self, will get the victory after all these efforts in spite of all prophecies of doom. You were looking for your mission, you’ve found it here. This is a positive card for your topic, especially if there are other positive cards around it.

Mysterious side:

If you are not clear with yourself and the world (with the feeling…. Nobody likes me. Everything is against me I do not know … Why always me, etc.), you miss belonging to something or someone and the human being is characterized by feelings of inferiority. Companies are threatened by the lack of wise foresight. Things that were started hopefully remain unfinished and bring dissatisfaction. Relax, nothing is ever tasted as hot as it is cooked. Activate your skills of endurance and patience. By taking a roundabout way, with discipline and consistent approach, your final destination will be reached as well.

Berlin motifs

XXI The World:

  • dancer at the facade of the Theater des Westens
  • head at the Schiller monument on the Gendarmenmarkt
  • lion from the fountain on the Mehringplatz in Kreuzberg
  • garland near Viktoria-Luise-Platz, Schöneberg
  • background: roof of the Sonycenter at Potsdamer Platz